Firmware Download

Download the old version

Download Type Firmware
Model name IP1000C (20 terminal versions #13 and #14)
Version Version 1.51
Update May.19.2015
Major changes


  • The firmware update fixes the problem that audio occasionally becomes inaudible on the IP100H and the IP100FS during an All or Group call.
    • Firmware Version 1.51 fixes a problem that occurred in Firmware Versions 1.46 and 1.47.
    • The IP1000C Version 1.51 automatically updates the IP100Hs to Version 1.51. (When the Automatic Update setting is Enable. [Default])


File Size 3.78MB
File Type zip

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Firmware is important data for the basic system control of your equipment. An interruption during downloading or a malfunction may cause a failure in the data re-writing, and your equipment may stop functioning normally. If such a failure of the firmware re-writing results in your equipment not functioning normally, Icom Inc. and its affiliates expressly denies and is free from any and all responsibility arising from the result of damage from such an event.

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